The NDIS is a transformative program designed to benefit the lives of its participants and enable them to lead a fulfilling life. However, navigating the plan and obtaining the most out of it can be a daunting experience. With the assistance of capable support coordination, this becomes easy.
Here at Beyond Choice, we understand the complexities participants face when implementing their NDIS plan in the best possible way. That's why we offer exceptional support coordination services in Victoria, NSW and Queensland. We currently offer Level 2 (Coordination od Supports) and Level 3 (Specialist Support Coordination) services to participants. If you live within 60 minutes of our office, our dedicated team can offer in-person meetings. However, if the distance is more we can set up flexible and convenient support options.
Level 2 Support Coordination (Coordination of Supports)
Beyond Choice's Level 2 Support Coordination is designed for participants with higher support needs and provides a comprehensive approach, including:
Level 3 Support Coordination (Specialist Support Coordination)
We realise that Level 3 is the highest level of support coordination intended for individuals with highly complex needs. Through this service, our support coordinators will understand complex situations and assist you with:
Navigating complex support environments involving multiple systems like health and education
Addressing high-level risks such as complex behavioural challenges or interactions with the criminal justice system.
Developing and implementing specialised intervention plans tailored to your unique needs.
Advocating for your rights and ensuring you receive the appropriate supports.
Our friendly team is here to discuss your specific needs and provide you with dedicated support coordination service to empower your independent living journey. So, give us a call.